Knowledge Bank


Cyber Awareness Month and Cybersecurity ABCs (October 2021 Webinar)

In this month's webinar, we debate whether an awareness month is a good thing and the difference between awareness and training.

National and Regional Approaches to Cyber Security (September 2021 Webinar)

In this webinar, we reflect on our work as the YCSC by looking at cyber security regionally and nationally. 

CyBOK, the Skills Gap, and Cyber Professionals (November 2021 Webinar)

In this webinar, we take an in-depth look at the cyber industry, including skills, CyBOK and industry professionals.

Supplier Relationships and News (January 2021 Webinar)

In this webinar, our attendees join us to discuss supplier relations and take an in-depth look at recent news. 

Information Security Frameworks (February 2021 webinar)

To explore this bumper topic, we have four experts take an in depth look at information security frameworks.

Ransomware and Attacks (July 2021 Webinar)

In this month's webinar, Matt Hill and Luke Kiely discuss ransomware, taking an overall look at one of the most common cyber attacks, before

Yzabelle Bostyn November 7, 2022
View Ransomware and Attacks (July 2021 Webinar)

How Expensive is Free: For and Against Open Source (August 2021 Webinar)

In this month's webinar, we take an in-depth look at open source tools including Network Mapper (NMap), Snipe IT & the Metasploit Framework

Human Resource Security (March 2021 Webinar)

In this webinar, David Parish and David Rivas discuss human resource security.

Market research, innovation support and IoT development (April 2021 webinar)

In this month's bumper webinar we have three speakers with three insightful talks covering innovation, development and market research.